Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ed's Grandchildren

The Grandkids are Anna 7, Kaid 5, Quinn 3, and Lexsie almost 17 mos.
Bekah couldn't make this trip to see Grandpa.


These are Ed's daughters, Stacy and Trish. They came to have Thanksgiving with us. Stacy lives in Oregon, but she spends a bunch of time in Utah with her hubby Brad. Trish came in from Ohio and brought 4 of her 5 children. Her hubby, Craig could not make the trip. (A resident's work is never done and grandchild 5 got to stay in Denver with her Dad) We had a good time with all of them. It was great finally getting to meet his two daughters. They are both fantastic ladies with a lot of integrity and class. The grandkids were a blast to be around. Each of them are special in their own way.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am the President this year for the Auxiliary at the Eagles. This includes showing up at all the fun events each month. Poor Ed picked the wrong year to hook up with me....hehe

He calls some of our get togethers his "do gooder" stuff. Like cleaning up the hi-way, etc. Some of the functions are fun, like Casino night and the Luau.

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Roads

Did someone say travel down new roads? I often ride with Ed when he is working. Every once in a while we turn left or right and go down a road we have never been down before just to see where it will take us. It is always FUN! The first part of November we turned left coming back from Price, UT. There's a road there that Ed has seen trucks coming out of. It is across from the now ghost town (at least very vacant town) of Woodside, UT. We traveled back about 5 miles or so and it ended up turning into a trail for 4-wheelers and a wildlife refuge. When we turned around I walked down by the Price river that was running parallel to the road. Ed was shocked to see that the river was running the wrong way. We went back down the road towards the highway and Ed wanted to see the river again, not believing it was running the wrong way. We drove back towards the river, down a little hill. (PS: There were tracks down there, someone had been there before us.) Believe me, there is DRY Quicksand in Utah. After a few hours of trying to get unstuck, we finally called a tow truck to come help us get out. The tow truck got stuck in the quicksand too but it at least got us out of the hole we were in, but alas, the tow truck was in front of us on the little hill. I laughed and told Ed and the tow truck driver that I did NOT pack hot dogs or marshmallows!!! We helped each other and finally got out before it was totally dark. Oh yeah.... one other thing. The work truck has OnStar roadside assistance, HA! A big waste unless as they told us, "you are on a well traveled road". They don't work out in the sticks!! The scenery at the foot of the Bookcliffs was great and the Price river is the only river out in the west that does indeed run the wrong way!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Families

First off, I have not met any of Ed's children or grandchildren and he has not met mine, however, we have quite the little family collectively. There are many similarities between the two. Ed's son-in-law is doing his residency as a doctor, my son-in-law is a physician's assitant, and my daughter is a flight nurse. Ed has two daughters and a son. I only have one daughter. And, we have 8 grandchildren between the two of us. Many of the grands are the same age, as in only a month or so apart. It should be interesting to get the whole crew together. In June, Ed took a trip to Missouri to visit his daughter's family and when he came back, I took off and went to San Antonio to visit mine. Did I mention that Craig and Terry (the son-in-laws) are both in the military, so they move alot. They were both in Iraq about the same time. Grandchildren are great!! We love hearing from them and their mothers who fill us in on what is happening in their worlds.

You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurtant

I'm Cass, I work at the Eagle's Lodge in Colorado. At the end of January, a guy stopped in for just a few minutes. Then he started stopping in for just a few minutes most of the days that I worked. We talked in general about our lives, our children, our grandchildren, our homes, our views on the world. He asked me to go to a concert with him on March 20th and I told him that I would think about it.
(if you know me, you know I DON'T go out with guys!) Two days before the Arlo Guthrie concert he finally asked me if I was in or out? Going or not?? I ended up saying yes and went with him. I had a blast!! I hadn't laughed and felt comfortable with someone like that since............. don't remember when. The first day of Spring, that was seven months ago. Each day is a new adventure and I'm looking forward to all the new paths that we find and take together.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I thought I was computer smart, guess now I will find out. I am going to try to create a blog spot for Ed and me. Something new...