Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ed's Grandchildren

The Grandkids are Anna 7, Kaid 5, Quinn 3, and Lexsie almost 17 mos.
Bekah couldn't make this trip to see Grandpa.


These are Ed's daughters, Stacy and Trish. They came to have Thanksgiving with us. Stacy lives in Oregon, but she spends a bunch of time in Utah with her hubby Brad. Trish came in from Ohio and brought 4 of her 5 children. Her hubby, Craig could not make the trip. (A resident's work is never done and grandchild 5 got to stay in Denver with her Dad) We had a good time with all of them. It was great finally getting to meet his two daughters. They are both fantastic ladies with a lot of integrity and class. The grandkids were a blast to be around. Each of them are special in their own way.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am the President this year for the Auxiliary at the Eagles. This includes showing up at all the fun events each month. Poor Ed picked the wrong year to hook up with me....hehe

He calls some of our get togethers his "do gooder" stuff. Like cleaning up the hi-way, etc. Some of the functions are fun, like Casino night and the Luau.