Monday, December 20, 2010

Toy Run 2010

The toy run is such a good cause and it is awesome to
see so many bikes and toys all lined up for the
needy kids!
It was a little bit warmer this year. YAY!
Like my 'funky monkey'???

I like toes! I REALLY like toes!

The first of December, Jessica came over to Colorado Springs with just
Gillian. (6 mos). Jessica had classes to attend for her job. We got to
spend a extra day in Denver just goofing around. Then Loanna hosted
a get together with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, spouses and kids,
had to be about 25 of us, it was a blast!!

Apple Tree Removal

Ed decided he did not want 20+ apple trees anymore, so he trimmed the
front row and totally chopped down the back 2 rows of trees. They sat
this way for a year and in November we dug and pulled the stumps out.
It will give us more garden space and more room for the cherry and peach trees.

Turkey Frying

We were alone for Thanksgiving so we decided to 'fry' a small turkey. 
Ed had not fried one before.  It turned out good.
Holidays are more fun with a bunch of family.
We miss our children and grandkids!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Where Grandpa Works

This is one of the coal mines that Ed goes to twice a week to see if
they have parts that need fixed and to take the fixed parts back to
them. He goes to 3 mines in this area, this one is called Bowie. The
first picture is sorta looking up at it. The 2nd is at the top, the 3rd
looking out at the valley from most of the way up the hill, and the
4th is the coal at the bottom,waiting to be loaded on the coal trains
which takes the coal across the country.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Labor Day

Six of us went for a bike ride over the Labor Day weekend. We went to Lake City and stopped for lunch, then on to Creede, CO and spent the night.  There was frost on the bikes the next morning. Brrrrrr
We then rode thru all the little towns on our way to Leadville, CO.
We spent two nights in Leadville and then went through Minturn and Glenwood Springs, CO on our way home.  It was a fun trip.
The 1st photo is of the Blue Mesa Reservoirin the background
and the one of Ed alone is on Slumgullion Pass between LC and Creede. Isn't he handsome!

Autumn in Colorado

Ed and I drove over the Grand Mesa last Thursday. It is full of color.
It is always a beautiful drive and it is
so serene to gaze back down on the valley.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Look at my new Toy

When I was in Texas, Ed said that he had a surprise for me,
 hint hint ~he got me one of my own.
So, for a week I was in suspense wondering what the surprise was.
Is it bigger than a bread box?? Oh yes.
You'll never never guess...
How right he was about that!
My own Farmall H ~ I love it!!

Wishing the ocean was closer

Oh yeah, and all of my kiddos too...

Monday, August 30, 2010


Lauryn is taking piano lessons on the same piano that Gma did.
Logan did for a while and just decided to take a break.
This is Hayden putting in her practice time!

Back to Schoool

First day of school. Logan in 1st - Lauryn in 3rd grade.
Lauryn in the outfit Gma got her for her B'day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Visiting my Daughter and Family

I'm in San Antonio, Texas visiting my daughter and her family.
My two oldest grandchildren just had Birthdays!!
Lauryn turned 8 yrs right before I got here and
Logan turned 6 yrs last Saturday.

Grandma with Gillian Paige, 2 1/2 months. Texas is too far away.

Birthday Boy at Texas Roadhouse

Dad really does exist, he's just working too much.

Don't get wet now

So we get to the hotel and the beach somewhere around 6:30 pm,
the kids of course really need to go see the water. Grandma too!
But, the message is we are only going down for a second.
We are only gonna stick our toes in real quick because we
still need to go find something to eat.  Sure...right...
Only child not soaked is the 2 month old.
North Padre Island, Texas

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Stove

This is a picture of our new stove.
It is a wedding gift from my dear friend,
Robyn, who lives in Lake City.
It makes my 'It's a Wonderful Life" corner even better!

Home Sweet Home

Second cutting, approx. 100 bales.  Woo Hoo!!
Got it all up before the rain. Plus raked and baled the neighbors too.
By the way, I'm very good with the rake.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Colorado, leaving and returning

Brown's Park has a hold on me. Long ago I read a book,
The Bassett Women, who lived in Brown's Park.
They talk alot about going to Rock Springs, WY
via Irish Canyon, now I have too.

We fished outside of Craig, CO and then outside of
Steamboat Springs at Stagecoach Reservoir
on the final leg home.

More Wyoming

From Yellowstone we went through Cody, Powell, Lovell, Thermopolis (the Big Horn Basin)
I am beginning to believe Ed has lived in half of the towns in WY
However, this northern part of WY holds a lot of history for Ed.
Lovell, home of Ed's maternal Grandmother.
 Many childhood and adult memories.
Did I mention that Ed was born here??
Below is a picture of a wooden ball that Ed's grandfather made.
 It is on display at the Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir outside of Cody.
This dam provides the water for farming in the Big Horn Basin.

Thermopolis, WY... 3 hot spring pools
and that swinging bridge we were on.
Claims to be the world's largest hot mineral spring. But so does
Glenwood Springs, CO and a couple others.
Loved the way they built this huge hump.

Yellowstone National Park

We drove the bottom half of the park only on this trip.
We went fishing in some of the creeks.
(Wore our new waders and boots)
Saw Old Faithful.. woo hoo,
and only once, didn't make him stay all day.
Looked in awe at the boiling springs and geysers and huge lakes.

Additional note about the wildlife in Yellowstone,
we missed them this time. Only saw some elk and
a couple buffalo, I was looking for Yogi bear and BooBoo.
And I seriously wanted to see a Moose.

The Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole

Top photo is my first glimpse of the Tetons,
more Tetons, the Million Dollar Saloon
 on the square in Jackson Hole, sitting on saddles
and looking at a bunch of knotty pine.
Bottom is Mrs. Hardy being a tourist in the middle of the square.