Sunday, January 31, 2010

January in Texas

Ed gets to meet my clan.  The top photo is my daughter Jessica with my oldest granddaughter, Lauryn.
The second photo is Lauryn 7, Logan 5, and Hayden soon to be 2 doing the chicken dance.
Ed and the little terrorist. We went to San Antonio to see my kids the first part of Jan. It's always wonderful seeing the kids, but this was Ed's first meeting with all of them. Yes, he was a hit with them. Ed, ED, Ed......I think he won them over. ha!  Hayden cracked us up with the quote of, "I the terrorist" Can't tell Dad's in the military. Only bad part of the trip was that it was 14 degrees down there. We were hoping to warm up.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas and New Year's Eve 2009

Christmas was a little different with no kids around. We missed all of our children and grandkids.
We had a good time just doing a bunch of nothing. Watched some movies and had prime rib for 2.
On New Year's eve we went to the Eagles for dinner and then to some friends for a little while. I want
everyone to know that Ed and I both stayed awake until midnight. A miracle for both of us who normally go to bed at 9pm. The neighbor behind us set off some fancy fireworks at midnight, we had our kiss and promptly went to bed.

Eagles Auxiliary

We have fun at our meetings. I am President this year (until June), this was our meeting before Christmas.

Snow for Logan

When talking to my grandson Logan about coming down to see them at Christmas (or right after) he explained to me that they had "no snow, Grandma, no snow". He misses his Colorado white. We wish we could share. This snow has been on the ground since Dec. 7th, two days after the toy run.

We had 18 inches and big drifts all around the acreage. It's snowed several times since, but only a couple inches at a time. Just wish we could have a heat wave of above freezing!! 40 degrees would be heaven.

Toy Run 2009

I got to go on the 'Toy Run' this year. Let me add at that time the COLDEST day of the year. Everyone buys a toy to give to the needy children and ride across town. First across town to the Harley shop, then across town to where everyone meets for lunch, then back across to get home. Brrrrrrrr...