Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Farming 102

 We have cut the crop, raked and bailed it.
Plus, did the same to help out the neighbor.


Father's Day and Cass' Birthday

I shared my birthday with Father's day again this year,
but this year was wonderful, because I was with my new hubby.
We worked in the yard, pulled a few weeds.
I took Ed to a car show at Lincoln Park.
And then we went on a bike ride to Gateway with
some friends and had lunch. It was a great day!

Oh, don't take my picture in front of a Dodge....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Grandbaby

Jessica had another baby girl, yesterday June11th.
Gillian Paige... 6 lbs, 7 oz.
Cutie for sure.....
Can't wait to touch and cuddle her!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mini Moon II

Grave site of Alfred Packard and friends. (cannibal)
Lake San Cristobal outside of Lake City.
The 2nd largest natural lake in Colorado and great fishing hole.
The start of the Rio Grande River near Creede on the pass.

Mini Moon

A teensy honeymoon. On Memorial Day week-end we went up to Lake City, then on up to Capitol City, and then over to Creede, CO. My good friend lives in LC, so we drove up to see her, then just traveled around up in the high country.  Above are up at Capitol City near the bottom of Engineer Pass (not open yet)

Windy Point on Slumgullion Pass.
That is Uncompahgre Peak in the background, part of the San Juan Mountains. Not far above Lake city.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jr. Past Madam President

Officially today,  I am the Jr. Past Madam President.
     I feel much lighter!!!
           I am happy to have my "gold card" and happy to have the year over!

And bless her heart, my replacement Sue.