Monday, August 30, 2010


Lauryn is taking piano lessons on the same piano that Gma did.
Logan did for a while and just decided to take a break.
This is Hayden putting in her practice time!

Back to Schoool

First day of school. Logan in 1st - Lauryn in 3rd grade.
Lauryn in the outfit Gma got her for her B'day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Visiting my Daughter and Family

I'm in San Antonio, Texas visiting my daughter and her family.
My two oldest grandchildren just had Birthdays!!
Lauryn turned 8 yrs right before I got here and
Logan turned 6 yrs last Saturday.

Grandma with Gillian Paige, 2 1/2 months. Texas is too far away.

Birthday Boy at Texas Roadhouse

Dad really does exist, he's just working too much.

Don't get wet now

So we get to the hotel and the beach somewhere around 6:30 pm,
the kids of course really need to go see the water. Grandma too!
But, the message is we are only going down for a second.
We are only gonna stick our toes in real quick because we
still need to go find something to eat.  Sure...right...
Only child not soaked is the 2 month old.
North Padre Island, Texas

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Stove

This is a picture of our new stove.
It is a wedding gift from my dear friend,
Robyn, who lives in Lake City.
It makes my 'It's a Wonderful Life" corner even better!

Home Sweet Home

Second cutting, approx. 100 bales.  Woo Hoo!!
Got it all up before the rain. Plus raked and baled the neighbors too.
By the way, I'm very good with the rake.