Sunday, October 10, 2010

Where Grandpa Works

This is one of the coal mines that Ed goes to twice a week to see if
they have parts that need fixed and to take the fixed parts back to
them. He goes to 3 mines in this area, this one is called Bowie. The
first picture is sorta looking up at it. The 2nd is at the top, the 3rd
looking out at the valley from most of the way up the hill, and the
4th is the coal at the bottom,waiting to be loaded on the coal trains
which takes the coal across the country.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Labor Day

Six of us went for a bike ride over the Labor Day weekend. We went to Lake City and stopped for lunch, then on to Creede, CO and spent the night.  There was frost on the bikes the next morning. Brrrrrr
We then rode thru all the little towns on our way to Leadville, CO.
We spent two nights in Leadville and then went through Minturn and Glenwood Springs, CO on our way home.  It was a fun trip.
The 1st photo is of the Blue Mesa Reservoirin the background
and the one of Ed alone is on Slumgullion Pass between LC and Creede. Isn't he handsome!

Autumn in Colorado

Ed and I drove over the Grand Mesa last Thursday. It is full of color.
It is always a beautiful drive and it is
so serene to gaze back down on the valley.