Monday, December 20, 2010

Toy Run 2010

The toy run is such a good cause and it is awesome to
see so many bikes and toys all lined up for the
needy kids!
It was a little bit warmer this year. YAY!
Like my 'funky monkey'???

I like toes! I REALLY like toes!

The first of December, Jessica came over to Colorado Springs with just
Gillian. (6 mos). Jessica had classes to attend for her job. We got to
spend a extra day in Denver just goofing around. Then Loanna hosted
a get together with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, spouses and kids,
had to be about 25 of us, it was a blast!!

Apple Tree Removal

Ed decided he did not want 20+ apple trees anymore, so he trimmed the
front row and totally chopped down the back 2 rows of trees. They sat
this way for a year and in November we dug and pulled the stumps out.
It will give us more garden space and more room for the cherry and peach trees.

Turkey Frying

We were alone for Thanksgiving so we decided to 'fry' a small turkey. 
Ed had not fried one before.  It turned out good.
Holidays are more fun with a bunch of family.
We miss our children and grandkids!!