Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mesquite, NV in November

I just love to go look at the Palm Trees in Mesquite in November.
Think tropical ~ no snow!

But my favorite view is of my wonderful husband
playing with one of our grandkids. (Hayden)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What NOT to do on Saturday Night

Last night Ed and I are sitting at home; I just
played a game of solitare and Ed is reading. A friend
stops by to pick up a bale of hay and I tell him to
sit down, dinner is almost finished, just a few more
minutes. I turn off the stove to serve up the dishes and
the phone rings, the neighbor says look outside,
you all are on fire. Sure enough, the haystack is in
huge flames!!!
We had 240 bales of hay, now we have a big stinky mess.
Still not totally sure what happened. Thinking that the
exhaust pipe on our friends truck must've touched the hay.
Not sure about all of the farm equipment yet, but
everyone is healthy and all damage is outside. I was told
by several people that there was a picture and small article
in today's paper. I will get a copy of it tomorrow.
Now don't ever say we are boring!!
Oh yea, around 10 PM we finally got to eat.

Black to Silver

One Sunday the end of August we decided to drive up
to a little lake up above Colbran, CO.  We were just
about a mile from the lake when our wonderful '07
Ford decided to just QUIT running. No warning, no
nothing, in the middle of the road the engine just stopped.
So we get to have a 50 mile tow truck ride. We take it
to this shop in town and get it back a week later,
instantly it is acting up again, to we take it back for another
week. Then it is really supposed to be fixed, so we drive it
a couple days and then take a trip up to Lake City, CO.
Ed decides we should go over Cinnamon Pass, it goes
from LC to Silverton, CO.  Right about the middle of the pass,
you guessed it, the stinking truck simply stops running again.
Yep, up here somewhere in the San Juan mountains.
In the 13,000 to 14,000 peaks and straight drop offs,
one lane in most places pass.  We get a $400.00 tow
just back to Lake City, we then have to figure out a way
to get the truck back to Grand Junction, another 185 miles.
The truck goes back to the shop and a week later is
STILL no better. The dang thing only has 45,000 miles
 on it, but...  we now own a Silver Dodge.

Northern Colorado Trip

Also this summer we took a little trip up to northern Colorado.
A good friend of mine, Gaylene came out from WA to visit
people in Craig, CO; so we drove up there to spend some
time with her. Went out to a super cabin site of her in-laws.
So while we were up there we drove over to Yampa, and
went back into the Flat Tops and fished the lakes there. My
Uncle Ken just happened to be working up there, so he came
out to the lake and fished with us. The next morning we drove
back into Yampa, and then drove over to Trapper's Lake and
Meeker, CO on a new high mountain pass (Dunckley) a.k.a.
the Flat Tops Scenic By-Pass.  A very remote and pretty area.

Lackland AFB

One of the other fun things about this trip was that Ed did his basic
training at Lackland AFB in 1963.  He had a good time just looking
around. The first pic is of the barracks that he stayed in way back
then. They are getting ready to tear it down, and it was the last one
 like this.  We couldn't get inside of it, but you could peek in and
get the idea.We also walked around the area were the old airplanes
 were, many of these brought back a bunch of memories for Ed.
We went to the museum on base.
No pictures of that it was too dark inside.

The graduation grounds.
Lots of memories for my handsome man!!

Jessica and her four

At yet another restaurant, this is Grandpa Ed, little
Miss "I like my toes" Gillian and Hayden. I hadn't seen
these grands except the baby since a year ago August.
My oh my how they have grown. Gillian is now 17mos.,
Hayden is 3 AND A HALF..just ask her. Logan and Lauryn
7 and 9 yrs. They are just growing up too dang fast.
Note the night gown, both girls in the same one, Anna came over
to pick us up, on the way home she says, Grandma, I have the
same night gown and when she got home she put it on and slept in it. you don't know what this is... Jessica tells Gillian
to go to the "Naughty Chair", she walks across the room and
sits on the floor in this little section in front of the kitchen sink.
At the park on base by Tricia's house. Only Jessica and the two little
ones. Only spent about 7-8 hours with them the whole trip. Jess was
out of town the first part of our trip, plus knew that we were going to
get to see them again, real soon... like for Thanksgiving.
It was just amazing at how much all of the kids had grown.
 Being Gpa and Gma is great!

All the Grandbabies in San Antonio

In October we went to see all the kiddos in San Antonio.
Two daughters, two son-in-laws (although Terry is in GA),
and eight grandchildren. As always great to see them all.
This trip we went to Six Flags Fiesta. Anna wanted me to
ride this roller coaster with her since there is NO WAY that
Grandpa Ed was going to do it. I must admit right as it was
getting ready to take off I was asking myself if I was totally
crazy??!! It was quite exhilarating. A little later we went over to
a roller coaster ride that Quinn could ride on and I say to Ed, oh come
on... IF Quinn can ride on it, surely you can go on THAT one.
 And he does.
Oh my, I have not laughed so hard in eons. Quinn might be able to
ride it, but it was still quite a ride and I wasn't sure that Grandpa
was going to make it. After that he stuck to...
Every other 10 minutes we were eating! We went to a
couple great Mexican food restaurants and this pic is
from the Rainforest Cafe on the Riverwalk. It has gorillas,
tigers, and just lots of real size animals stuck all around you in a
 rain forest setting. Every 30 minutes all of the animals 'come alive'.
This is Lexsie and Quinn enjoying the nearby ape.
Since we were there right before Halloween, we got to
go to Trunk or Treat with Anna, Kaid, Quinn and Lexsie. 
The trunk was decorated by Anna and I will say it was the 
BEST one there. Here is Anna, Quinn and Anna's friend.
It was a fun week...  and yes, I did see Jessica
and the other four grandkids...  next blog entry!