One Sunday the end of August we decided to drive up
to a little lake up above Colbran, CO. We were just
about a mile from the lake when our wonderful '07
Ford decided to just QUIT running. No warning, no
nothing, in the middle of the road the engine just stopped.
So we get to have a 50 mile tow truck ride. We take it
to this shop in town and get it back a week later,
instantly it is acting up again, to we take it back for another
week. Then it is really supposed to be fixed, so we drive it
a couple days and then take a trip up to Lake City, CO.
Ed decides we should go over Cinnamon Pass, it goes
from LC to Silverton, CO. Right about the middle of the pass,
you guessed it, the stinking truck simply stops running again.
Yep, up here somewhere in the San Juan mountains.
In the 13,000 to 14,000 peaks and straight drop offs,
one lane in most places pass. We get a $400.00 tow
just back to Lake City, we then have to figure out a way
to get the truck back to Grand Junction, another 185 miles.
The truck goes back to the shop and a week later is
STILL no better. The dang thing only has 45,000 miles
on it, but... we now own a Silver Dodge.
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